Smart and sustainable planning: towards an integrated spatial approach
Prof. NG Mee Kam
A Multidisciplinary Study of Trail Degradation, Mechanism and Virtual Geographic Environment
Private: Prof. NG Sai Leung
Study on the Planning and Management of Hong Kong Geopark
Private: Prof. NG Sai Leung
Impact of Urban-rural Return Migration on Rural Economic Development in China–with Implications for Vietnam
Prof. SHEN Jianfa
How Can the Dragon Soar? An Interdisciplinary Approach to China’s Post-Reform Dialectics of State, Market and Space
Prof. XU Jiang (Chairperson)
Transboundary air pollution in China and UK: Intensity, Attribution and Impacts
Private: Prof. YIM Hung Lam, Steve
Prevention and mitigation of extreme weather hazards in the Greater Bay Area: Technology and policy (大湾区极端天气气候防灾减灾和适应的技术与对策)
Private: Prof. YIM Hung Lam, Steve
Wind or Solar? The Political Economy of Fuel Competition between Renewables
Prof. XU Yuan
Matching CO2 Sources and Storage Sites along the Maritime Silk Road