Department of Geography and Resource Management (GRM), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Departmental News

創新衛星成功發射 本系成員主導開發



GRM Faculty Members Shine in World’s Top 2% Scientists List

Eight GRM faculty members have been recognized in the World’s Top 2% Scientists list published by Stanford University in September 2024. They include (listed in alphabetical order by surname): Prof. Chan Chung Shing Johnson, Prof. Chen Yongqin David, Prof. He Ying Sylvia, Prof. Kwan Mei Po, Prof. Lai Yuk Fo Derrick, Prof. Lau Ngar Cheung Gabriel, Prof. Leung Yee, and Prof. Shen Jianfa.

Rankings of GRM faculty members on the list: [PDF]

GRM Hosted International Scholars to Explore Sustainable Urban Growth Management

On 5 Sep 2024, GRM hosted a mini-conference titled ‘Zoning Urbanisation: A Global Comparison of Sustainable Growth Management’. Experts from Brazil, Ireland, Sweden and the UK joined local scholars, including GRM’s Prof Xu Jiang, Prof Ng Mee Kam and Prof Calvin Chung, to evaluate a variety of strategies for promoting sustainable urbanisation through zoning. The event sparked insightful discussions on the varied impacts of different zones on communities living in and alongside them. CUHK Faculty of Social Science and the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) sponsored this mini-conference.

Please click here for the flyer.

GRM to host 12th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism

GRM will host the 12th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism on 9-11 May 2024. Supported by the Master of Social Science in Sustainable Tourism (MSSST) programme, the conference has been held annually since 2012. The upcoming conference in 2024 revolves around the theme of “Tourism Development and Investment in Sustainability”, aiming to explore how tourism and sustainable investments can shape a better world. It will discuss how to diversify markets, reduce risks, enhance resilience, and involve locals. It will also examine how investments can foster innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship while conserving nature and culture.
For paper submission and registration information, please visit the conference website:

Professor Chen Yongqin David and Yim Hung Lam Steve awarded the National Key R&D Program of China funding

Professor Chen Yongqin David, in collaboration with Professor Yim Hung Lam Steve, has been awarded a funding of RMB 2,830,000 for the project “大灣區極端天氣氣候防災減災和適應的技術與對策” under the National Key R&D Program of China (國家重點研發計畫) by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國科學技術部), from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2023.

Professor Kwan Mei Po has been awarded the lifelong honorary title of AAG Fellow

Professor Kwan Mei Po has been awarded the lifelong honorary title of AAG Fellow. The AAG Fellows is a program, started in 2018, to recognize geographers who have made significant contributions to advancing geography.

Professor Huang Bo received Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018 – Smart People Award

Prof. Huang Bo and his group members have developed an efficient smartphone APP named “TouchAir” for the general public to access real time air pollutant concentrations at any location in Hong Kong and Mainland China with high accuracy, high resolution and full coverage. This APP has won the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018 – Smart People Award. Ms. Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, attended the award presentation ceremony held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on April 4. TouchAir, with its server programs running on the Ali cloud platform, has been released since September 2015 with both its iOS and Android versions available on App Store (for iPhone and iPad users) and Google Play/Baidu Mobile Phone Assistant (for Android smartphone users).

GRM students recognized in the Dean’s List 2016-17 of Faculty of Social Science

The following students were presented the Dean’s List certificates in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements by the Faculty of Social Science on 17 March 2018. Congratulations to our students!
[Taught Master’s Programmes] MSc in Geoinformation Science: YAO Shiqi; MSSc in Sustainable Tourism: NG Tuen Man, QI Huan, SUN Jianru
[Undergraduate Programme] CHAN Chun Kit, CHAN Lok Hang, CHU Chun Ho, CHUAN Li Ying Jacqueline, CHUNG Sum Yue, GUO Xinyi, HUI Ka Chun, JIA Junyan, KWONG Ho Yin, LAI Hiu Tung, LAM Hei Yiu, LAM Ho Yin, LAM Tsz Kiu, LAU Chun Ki, LAU Chun Yin, LEE Cheuk Wing Cody, LEE Hau Ying, LEE Yeung To, LEUNG Shong Tung, LI Shau Yin, LIU Xinyu, NG Wing Chun, NG Yeuk Ying, SUN Ka Kit, TANG Siu Wa, TSANG Ling Yan, WONG Long In, WONG Wai Chun, WONG Wai Ming, YEUNG Tsz Chun, YIP Ka Yu.

Our department ranked 38th in the world in 2018

QS World University Rankings has recently released the latest ranking by subject. In the subject of Geography, our department is ranked 38th in the world and 5th in Asia with a total score of 79.1. For more details, please visit:

Colleagues of our Department published important scientific findings in Nature Climate Change

Profs. Chen Yongqin and Lau Ngar-Cheung, together with Prof. Li Jianfeng of Hong Kong Baptist University and Prof. Thian Yew Gan of University of Alberta, recently published their research findings on the elevated increases in human-perceived temperature under climate warming in Nature Climate Change (January 2018). The study has attracted much media coverage locally and internationally. More details can be found at:

World-renowned scientist Prof. Vaclav Smil visited our Department

Prof. Vaclav Smil, a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, Canada, visited our Department and delivered a seminar on “Energy transitions: Realities of decarbonization” on 14 September 2017. Information about Prof. Smil’s interdisciplinary research in the fields of energy and environment can be found at:

Delegation of Lanzhou University visited our Department

A delegation of two faculty members and eight students from the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University visited our Department on 20-27 January 2018. The delegation met with our colleagues to discuss collaboration in teaching and research and visited the Wetland Park, Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve and Geoparks in Hong Kong. Prof. Gao Xiang delivered a seminar in the Department on the multi-scale assessment of ecosystem stability in the nature reserves in arid deserts.