Department of Geography and Resource Management (GRM), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. WONG Fook Yee

Affiliated Member /
Visiting Scholar

Prof. WONG Fook Yee

Adjunct Professor

B.Th (Oxen)
MSc (Bangor)
MSoSc. (HKU)

Research interests

Countryside recreation, nature conservation, planning and management of protected areas, environmental ethics

Services/ Posts

Honorary Associate Professor, Geography Department, HKU
Trustee, Chung Chi College, CUHK
Director, Friends of Country Parks
Governor, Alice Ho Miu Liang Nethersole Charity Foundation
Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Christian Council
Expert Panel on Tree Management, Development Bureau, HKSAR
Member of the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) Steering Committee, Environmental Bureau, HKSAR
Convenor of the Mainstreaming and Sustainability Working Group on BSAP, AFCD, HKSAR
Co-opted member of Lantau Development Advisory Committee – Economic and Social Development Subcommittee, Development Bureau, HKSAR
Deputy Chair of IUCN/WCPA Urban Specialist Group