



Assistant Professor

BSc (Zhejiang University)
PhD (Zhejiang University)
Postdoc (NUS)

(852) 3943-6596 瀏覽個人網頁 >


Research Grants and Projects (External)
PI. Building height estimation with context information. Alibaba DAMO Academy – AI Earth Joint Research & Innovation Programme. 09/2023 – 03/2024

Research Grants and Projects (Internal)
PI. Supporting both food security and climate change mitigation with abandoned cropland: potential and trade-offs. Direct Grant, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 03/2023 – 06/2024, HK$ 250,000

PI. Exploring the spatiotemporal pattern of polycentric cities based on night-time light remote sensing data. Research Fund for Academic Star Program, Zhejiang University, 01/2019 – 06/2020, RMB 40,000


Google Scholar profile:


Dong, B., Zheng, Q.*, Lin, Y., Chen, B., Ye, Z., Huang, C., . . . Wang, K. (2024). Integrating physical model-based features and spatial contextual information to estimate building height in complex urban areas. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 126.

Zheng, Q., Seto, K. C., Zhou, Y., You, S., & Weng, Q. (2023). Nighttime light remote sensing for urban applications: Progress, challenges, and prospects. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 202, 125-141.

Zheng, Q.*, Ha, T., Prishchepov, A. V., Zeng, Y., Yin, H., & Koh, L. P. (2023). The neglected role of abandoned cropland in supporting both food security and climate change mitigation. Nature Communications, 14(1).

Teo, H. C., Tan, N. H. L., Zheng, Q., Lim, A. J. Y., Sreekar, R., Chen, X., . . . Koh, L. P. (2023). Uncertainties in deforestation emission baseline methodologies and implications for carbon markets. Nature Communications, 14(1).

Zheng, Q.*, Weng, Q., Zhou, Y., & Dong, B. (2022). Impact of temporal compositing on nighttime light data and its applications. Remote Sensing of Environment, 274, 113016.

Zheng, Q.*, Siman, K., Zeng, Y., Teo, H. C., Sarira, T. V., Sreekar, R., & Koh, L. P. (2022). Future land-use competition constrains natural climate solutions. Science of The Total Environment, 156409.

Teo, H. C., Raghavan, S. V., He, X., Zeng, Z., Cheng, Y., Zheng Q.., . . . Koh, L. P. (2022). Large-scale reforestation can increase water yield and reduce drought risk for water-insecure regions in the Asia-Pacific. Glob Chang Biol, 28(21), 6385-6403.

Zheng, Q., Weng, Q., & Wang, K. (2021). Characterizing urban land changes of 30 global megacities using nighttime light time series stacks. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 173, 10-23.

Teo, H. C., Zeng, Y., Sarira, T. V., Fung, T. K., Zheng, Q., Song, X. P., … & Koh, L. P. (2021). Global urban reforestation can be an important natural climate solution. Environmental Research Letters, 16(3), 034059.

Zheng, Q., Weng, Q., & Wang, K. (2020). Correcting the Pixel Blooming Effect (PiBE) of DMSP-OLS nighttime light imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 240.

Ye, Y., Deng, J., Huang, L., Zheng, Q., Wang, K., Tong, C., & Hong, Y. (2020). Modeling and Prediction of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery Based on Spatiotemporal Statistical Method. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 1-13.

Zheng, Q., Weng, Q., & Wang, K. (2019). Developing a new cross-sensor calibration model for DMSP-OLS and Suomi-NPP VIIRS night-light imageries. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 153, 36-47.

Zheng, Q., Weng, Q., Huang, L., Wang, K., Deng, J., Jiang, R., . . . Gan, M. (2018). A new source of multi-spectral high spatial resolution night-time light imagery—JL1-3B. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215, 300-312.

Teaching Fields

  • Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Geographic Information System
  • Sustainable Development

Research interests

  • Remote sensing of urban environment;
  • Global environmental and climate changes;
  • Land-based solutions for climate change mitigation;
  • Night-time light remote sensing

Services/ Posts

Editorial Board Member, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (2022 – present)

Editor, Frontier of Remote Sensing (2023 – present)

Director of Publicity, Executive Committee of IEEE GRSS Hong Kong Chapter (2024 – present)

Reviewer of 40 research journals (reviewed more than 180 manuscripts), including PNAS, Nature Ecology & Evolution, RSE, ISPRS Journal, Applied Energy, TGRS, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Building and Environment, etc.


Understanding urbanization with night-time light imagery

Promises and pitfalls in nature-based climate solutions

Environmental consequences of urbanization