MPhil (CUHK)
MSc (Urb Plan) (HKU)
(852) 3943-6530
joannaleewy@cuhk.edu.hkRESEARCH PROJECTS
Consultancy Projects
“A Feasibility Study on Revitalizing The Epiphany of Our Lord Chapel as a Human Enrichment Base through Utilization of the Natural and Cultural Resources in Sham Chung”, Principal Investigator, sponsored by The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong Diocesan Working Committee for “Following Thy Way” (funded by the Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme, Environmental Protection Department), 2021-2023.
“A Multi-dimensional “”Point-line-plane”” Approach for Industrial Heritage Conservation in Hong Kong: A Case Study of Ma On Shan (MOS) Iron Mine”, Co-investigator, sponsored by Built Heritage Conservation Fund, CUHK Project Code 137872486, 2018-2020.
“Quotation for the Provision of a Study on Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste”, Co-Investigator, funded by Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government, 2017-2021 (CUHK Project Code SS16661)
“A Study on the Modification of Recycling and Refuse Collection Facilities in Public Places”, Co-Investigator, funded by Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government, 2016-2019 (CUHK Project Code 7051056)
“Expertise Services for Study on Technical Issues Related to Potential Reclamation Site at Ma Liu Shui”, Principal Investigator (together with LEUNG Yee, NG Yan Yung Edward, CHANG Ping Hung Wallace, YIU Chung Yim Edward), funded by Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR, 2015-2017.
“Community Assessment on the Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns: Caverns and Sewage Treatment Works- Investigation, Design and Construction”, Principal Investigator, funded by Drainage Services Department, HKSAR, 2015-2018.
“Rezoning a “Green Belt” site adjacent to Dynasty Heights for housing development: Submission of Representation to the TPB”, Principal Investigator, funded by Sino Estates Management Ltd as agent, for and on behalf of all owners of Dynasty Heights, 2014-2015
“Development of Ma On Shan: the past and present” (鞍山歲月 –小城今昔), Principal Investigator, funded by Ma On Shan Promotion of Livelihood and Recreation Association, supported by Sha Tin District Council, 2012-2014
“A Study on Land Development in Sha Tin”, Principal Investigator, funded by Sha Tin District Council, 2012-2013
“Study on the Improvement of Bus Routes in Sha Tin”, Principal Investigator, funded by Sha Tin District Council, 2011
“Study on the Need of Constructing a Vehicular Bridge adjacent to the Existing Kwong Fuk Bridge in Tai Po”, Principal Investigator, funded by Tai Po District Council, 2010-2011.
“Planning and Development Study on Ma On Shan Whitehead – Geological Education Centre, Cycling City and Ancillary Facilities”, Principal Investigator, funded by Shatin District Council, 2010-2011.
“District Aspiration Study (DAS) for Sham Shui Po District”, Principal Investigator, funded by Urban Renewal Authority, 2009-2010
“On-street Survey on the Pedestrian Environment Improvement Scheme in Yuen Long Town”, Principal Investigator, funded by Highways Department, HKSAR Government, 2009.
“Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge – Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities Investigation (public engagement and social impact assessment)”, Principal Investigator, funded by Highways Department, 2008-2009.
“Strategic Development and Planning in Macau: A Comprehensive Study on Population Trend, Quality of Life and Urban Planning”, Co-Investigator, funded by Macau SAR Government CEEDS, 2006-2007.
Research Projects
CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants), “Re-contextualizing tourism in Macao: A spatial phenomenon”, Principal Investigator, CUHK Project Code 4052070, 05/14-09/15.
General Research Fund 2012/13, Unsettling High-density Development in Hong Kong: Production of Space, Spatial (In)justice and Everyday life (GRF 250012, 2012/13), Co-investigator, 2013-01-01 to 2015-12-31.
Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR), Trends and Implications of Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong: A Multi-disciplinary and Longitudinal Study (SS11947), Co-investigator, 2012-04-01 to 2017-03-31.
Social Science Faculty Direct Grant, “Redevelopment of ‘Government, Institution or Community’ (GIC) Land in Hong Kong: Case Studies of Wan Chai and Causeway Bay”, Principal Investigator, CUHK Project Code 2021062, 01/11-06/12.
Social Science Faculty Direct Grant, “Redevelopment of Industrial Land in Hong Kong: An Inter-district Analysis” , Principal Investigator, CUHK Project Code 2020897, 01/07-12/07.
Central Policy Unit Research, “The Pattern of Urban Life in Hong Kong: A District Level Community Study of Sham Shui Po”, Co-investigator, 04/10-06/11.
RGC competitive Earmarked Research Grant Award 2006-2007, “Rationality and Power: towards a phronetic understanding of the practice of reclamation in Hong Kong”, Co-investigator (with NG Mee Kam, TANG Wing Shing), Project No: HKU7462/06J, 2006 – 2008.
RGC Public Policy Research, “Siting Locally Unwanted Land Uses: In Your Backyard or in Mine?”, Co-investigator (with LAM Kin Che, FUNG Tung), Project No: CUHK 4008-PPR20051, 2006 – 2008.
Carina Y.H. Lam, Joanna W.Y. Lee and Tat Choi Chan (2021) Town Planning and Community Development: Healthy and Happy Housing. In B. Y. F. Fong and M. C. S. Wong (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community. Chapter 17. Singapore: Routledge. (in press).
Maurice Kwan-Chung Yip, Joanna Wai-Ying Lee and Wing-Shing Tang (2020) From God’s home to people’s house: Property struggles of church redevelopment, Geoforum, 110, pp. 14-24.
Wing Shing Tang, Joanna W.Y. Lee, Tsz Wa Hui and Maurice K.C. Yip (2019) The “Urban density” question in Hong Kong: From absolute space to social processes, City Culture and Society, 17, pp. 46-53.
Huiwei Chen, Mee Kam Ng, Murat Es, Joanna Lee, Winnie W. S. Mak, Yuying Tong, Wu Ka Ming and Huiquan Zhou (2018): Socio-spatial polarization and the (re-)distribution of deprived groups in world cities: A case study of Hong Kong, Urban Geography, DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2017.1421392
S. L. Ng, Y. Zhang, K. H. Ng, H. Wong and Joanna W Y Lee (2017) Living environment and quality of life in Hong Kong, Asian Geographer, DOI: 10.1080/10225706.2017.1406863.
Lee, WY Joanna and Tang, W. S., (2017) ”The hegemony of the real estate industry: Redevelopment of ‘Government/Institution or Community’ (G/IC) land in Hong Kong”, Urban Studies, Vol. 54 (15), pp. 3403–3422.
李慧瑩、鄧永成 (2014) 〈城市空間與廣東文化〉.《香港嘅廣東文化》. 商務印書館(香港)有限公司出版. 頁161-177.
李慧瑩、鄒桂昌、楊祥利 (2013) 《鞍山歲月 –小城今昔》. 第1版, 222 頁. 香港:馬鞍山民康促進會.
Tang, W. S., Lee, WY Joanna and Ng, M. K. (2012)” Public Engagement as a Tool of Hegemony: The Case of Designing the New Central Harbourfront in Hong Kong”, Critical Sociology, 38 (1), pp. 89-106.
Chiou, Chang-Tay, Lee, WY Joanna and Fung Tung (2011) “Negotiated Compensation for NIMBY Facilities: Siting of Incinerators in Taiwan”, Asian Geographer, 28(2), pp. 105-121.
李慧瑩 (2011) <市區重建,為誰而建?>. 《八度空間 — 社會科學的視角》. 香港中文大學社會科學院出版. 頁68-71.
Lam, K.C., Lee, WY Joanna, Fung, T. and Woo, L.Y. (2011) Challenges of Managing NIMBYism in Hong Kong. In Fung, T. etal (eds.) Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 169-182.
Yeung, Y.M., Lee, Joanna and Kee, Gordon (2010) “Macao in a Globalizing World: The Challenges Ahead”, Asian Geographer, 27 (1-2), pp.75-92.
Ng, M.K., Tang, W.S., Lee, Joanna and Leung, D. (2010) “Spatial practice, conceived space and lived space: Hong Kong’s ‘piers saga’ through the Lefebvrian lens”, Planning Perspectives, 25 (4), pp.411-31.
Lee, W.Y. Joanna and Tang, W.S. (2009) “Town Planning in Hong Kong: Public Interest versus Private Interest”. In Wong, K.K. (ed.) Hong Kong, Macao and the Pearl River Delta: A Geographical Survey. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company, pp.318-342.
Ng, M.K. and Lee, Joanna (2009) “Il primo decennio: la pianificazione della regione a statuto speciale di Hong Kong come citta mondiale dell’Asia?”, CITTA DEL MONDO, Numero 1, pp.164-183.
Yeung, Y. M.; Lee, Joanna and Kee, Gordon (2009) “China’s Special Economic Zones at 30”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 50 (2), pp. 222-40.
Hu, Wuxian and Lee, Joanna (2008) “Hunan” in Yeung, Y. M. and Shen, Jianfa (eds) The Pan-Pearl River Delta: An Emerging Regional Economy in Globalizing China. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 411-34.
Yeung, Y. M.; Lee, Joanna and Kee, Gordon (2008) “Hong Kong and Macao under Chinese Sovereignty”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 49 (3), pp. 304-325
Lee, Joanna and Ng, M. K. (2007) “Planning for the World City” in Yeung, Y. M. (ed.) The First Decade: Hong Kong SAR in Introspective and Retrospective Perspectives. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
李慧瑩 (2006) <清拆還是保留>. 《無解良品 — 社會科學的可能》. 香港中文大學社會科學學院出版. 頁68-75.
杜立基、李慧瑩 (2006) <”以人為本”的社區規劃: 多贏方案締造可持續發展的灣仔>, 理想空間, 第18輯, 同濟大學出版社, 頁26-29.
鄧永成、陳劍青、李慧瑩 (2006) <為澳門市區重建未雨綢繆 向香港取長補短> ,《澳門現代化進程與城市規劃》,澳門: 澳門大學澳門研究中心, 澳門研究系列叢書之九, 頁187-204.
To, L.K.; Lee, W. Y. and Luk, V. (2006) “A People-Oriented Approach: Planning a Sustainable Community in Wan Chai”, Planning and Development, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 48-51. (In Chinese)
Teaching Fields
- Urban planning
- Urban and regional development
- Sustainable tourism
- Cultural and heritage tourism
Research interests
- Urban planning
- Urban development and theories
Services/ Posts
Member, Planners Registration Board
Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Geographical Association
EXCO member, Geography and Resource Management Alumni Association
Editorial Committee Member, Journal of Hong Kong Institute of Planners “Planning and Development”
Deputy Director, Centre for Environmental Policy and Resource Management, CUHK
Chairperson, Admissions and School Partnership Committee, GRM, CUHK
Chairperson, Alumni and External Affairs Committee, GRM, CUHK
Member, Green Committee, GRM, CUHK
Member, Supporting Staff Committee, GRM, CUHK
Local Field Camp Coordinator, GRM, CUHK
Mentorship Programme Coordinator, GRM, CUHK
Chung Chi College Coordinator, GRM, CUHK