Department of Geography and Resource Management (GRM), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Alumni Record Form

Please complete the form below for new registration or information update. Thank you.
No membership fee will be charged, and your donation is welcomed and highly appreciated. Please contact the GRM Alumni Association at for details.

For enquiry about this form, please contact
Remarks: Information provided will be kept strictly for the purpose of alumni activity and GRM department activity promotion.


    Alumni Record Form

    Name in English*

    Surname Name
    First Name

    Name in Chinese, if applicable

    Title *

    Programme (check all applicable)*

    College (applicable only to BSSc graduates)*

    Thesis Supervisor(s) (applicable only to MPhil/PhD graduates)*

    Contact information

    (country code) Tel*
    Postal address

    First post after graduation*


    Current post


    Up-to-date CV

    Please upload a file in PDF or WORD format here (Maximum upload file size: 10 MB.):

    Your interest, expectation and support (such as activities and resources)